English translation for "hair transplantation"
- 毛发移植
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Treatment for baldness is available and may include medications to help promote hair growth , surgery ( e . g . hair transplantation ) , or cosmetic treatment to hide hair loss , alone or in combination 雄性秃头的治疗方法包括单独或合并使用促进头发生长的药物治疗、外科手术(如植发)或隐藏脱发的美容治疗。 | | 2. | The iahrs does not offer an open membership policy to doctors practicing hair transplantation , and is the only group that recognizes that all surgeons are not equal in their skill and technique Iahrs不提供会员资格给那些不专业从事植发的医生,也是唯一承认“不是所有的医生都拥有同样的水平和技术”的组织。 | | 3. | Comparing different eyebrow defect law , or under conditions allowing for the transplant to eyebrows , hair transplantation because of the growth will continue , which normally takes three days repair a brow 比较不同的眉缺损修复法,在条件允许下还是以眉毛移植为好,因头发移植后仍会不断生长,一般需三天修一次眉。 |
- Similar Words:
- "hair tonic" English translation, "hair too long" English translation, "hair too short" English translation, "hair tra lantation" English translation, "hair transplant" English translation, "hair trigger" English translation, "hair tweezers" English translation, "hair vaseline" English translation, "hair vegetable" English translation, "hair vs hair" English translation