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English translation for "hair transplantation"


Related Translations:
sparse hair:  稀疏的头发
hair divider:  微调分规
hair crepe:  发瓣
hair care:  护发用品
gray hair:  白发灰发
hair intercepter:  鬃毛收集器
hair cruces:  毛交叉
telogen hair:  生长终期毛发
moniliform hair:  念珠状发
Example Sentences:
1.Treatment for baldness is available and may include medications to help promote hair growth , surgery ( e . g . hair transplantation ) , or cosmetic treatment to hide hair loss , alone or in combination
2.The iahrs does not offer an open membership policy to doctors practicing hair transplantation , and is the only group that recognizes that all surgeons are not equal in their skill and technique
3.Comparing different eyebrow defect law , or under conditions allowing for the transplant to eyebrows , hair transplantation because of the growth will continue , which normally takes three days repair a brow
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